New Proposed Legislation?

I received an interesting email on 8-4-2009

To Whom This May Concern:

Please contact Ron Bartels, Ph.D. with who is working Arkansas Cold Case files with me. His number is 501-205-2686 and his email is and he is an investigative reporter who likes to take on crooked cops.

We are joining together to go to the Arkansas Legislature to change the way cold cases are handled here. For example, in Faulkner County, the sheriff, Karl Byrd is refusing to send evidence, recovered by the FBI ERT to the Arkansas Crime Lab for DNA analysis in the Pamela Faye Felkins Case. The prosecutor is refusing to issue a warrant ordering the sheriff to send the evidence to the crime lab. Sheriff Byrd has ordered the FBI and the ASP to stay out of the case as he currently has the right to do under Arkansas law.

That is why, even though I am retired from the Arkansas State Police, I have decided to run Byrd out of office and order the evidence sent to the Arkansas Crime Lab for DNA analysis. The reason certain case are not solved here in Arkansas is plain to see. Cases are too easy to cover up. The former 20th Judicial District Prosecutor is also from Faulkner County and is now at the state level where he can continue the cover ups. This is a war between good cops and bad cops and innocent people are being caught in the middle.

The Arkansas Attorney General is friends with both prosecutors and while we are not certain he would continue the cover-up to protect his friends, we are not certain he is all that interested in seeing justice done in these cases. There are many cases like these here in Arkansas so we would welcome working with you on your case as well.

Justice Jerry L. Roberts, Sgt. ASP Retired
Office: 501-205-2686

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