Local comment: For the doubters

The Sentinel-Record 3-12-1977

Those who fear the Linda Edwards matter will eventually be quietly dropped should take heart from the recent statements by the prosecuting attorney who is handling the case.

John Cole of Sheridan said emphatically this past week that charges will be filed and that there will be prosecution.

The case is being handled in Hot Spring County because the remains of the late deputy sheriff were found there.

Many long-time Garland County residents claim that in the past it has been fairly common for a person to die mysteriously and for the perpetrator of the crime to go unpunished. This may be legend or fact but even if it is true, history will apparently not repeat itself this time.

The Arkansas State Police have conducted an excruciatingly long investigation of the circumstances leading up to the unfortunate death. Cole indicated he has not yet been able to read the extensive investigation report.

When he’s finished and when additional investigative work that he has requested is complete, then he expects to file charges.

So far he and the State Police investigators have done everything they possibly could to keep the public informed about their progress.

Hopefully they’ll continue to do so.

Cole said he expects to file charges within the next week or so and that should prove to even the most cynical of county residents that justice will eventually be done in the Edwards’ death.

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