Off the Hook – Updates

I’ve integrated the old Blogger blog into the new WordPress format and the old Blogger blog is going to disappear.  Some of the old links no longer work due to various reasons; other than that, I think all the images and document links are working properly.  If you see something that doesn’t work please let me know so I can check it out.

In the photo section under misc photos, I’ve added some new photos.  Eventually it will be setup to be more user friendly.  Also, I’ve added a Facebook page–please feel free to like it!

Linda Edwards on Facebook

To date, there isn’t any word on the badge retirement situation.  I’m not sure how long it takes to order and assign new numbers or if there is a certain time of year that they requisition badges.  All I know is that so far we are still waiting.

Last Friday I took the civil service exam as part of the application process to become a reserve deputy sheriff in Garland County.  It was a pass or fail test and they email the results to  you in 10-15 days.  I know time passes quickly but this is like waiting on a pot of water to boil.  My goal in becoming a reserve officer is to gain real experience working in the computer forensic field.  I’ve thought long and hard about what I want to be when I “grow up” and think that this is the field that appeals to me the most.

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