A letter: Linda Edwards’ mother responds to editorial

The Sentinel-Record 5-21-1977

Dear Editor:

I would like to thank you for your very honest editorial in the May 19 paper concerning my daughter’s brutal murder (Linda Edwards).

It is indeed unbelievable to me that this case has been shoved aside and a possible murderer’s rights are continually upheld. It is even sadder to me that our Hot Springs city policemen care so little about human rights and yet that is precisely what they are hired to do for all of us.

I wonder what their oath really means to them? Perhaps there may be four or five who stand up for another’s right to live. Right now, all I can say is that we live in a very unlawful situation.

Thank God we have a newspaper who believes in justice and can honestly stand up for truth and justice. Perhaps we all need to take a lesson from you.

I deeply appreciate you.

Irene Browning
Hot Springs

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