Case handled well

Letters to the editor 
The Sentinel-Record 6-11-1978

Dear editor:

In answer to a recent letter published in your newspaper, criticizing Sheriff Leon Barlow, for the way he handled the case of Linda Edwards, who was murdered August 21, 1976. I believe that he handled it very well.

As Linda’s mother, I feel that I can say Sheriff Barlow and his entire office, spent many long hours, working hard on this case. They gave up their days off and their weekends, in an effort to bring a man to justice for a brutal, cold-blooded murder, and for covering up her body to rot away, and prevent me from giving her a decent burial.

I can’t allow her murder to be used as a political issue against Leon Barlow. He called in the Arkansas State Police, which was the proper thing to do, since it involved a law enforcement officer on duty. He was always available when he was needed. Not once did he fail to help our family when we needed him.

If you must put the blame on anyone, please don’t put it on this case. It simply is not true.

Do something about the people who really covered up for a murderer. Corruption flourishes there.

Irene Browning
Hot Springs

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