Work in Progress

I am still working on getting the site back up to full speed. There are several links on the home page that are not complete yet. The Photos and Case Facts sections are not yet complete as well. There are a couple of articles that need pictures. I will work on this as time permits.

You should be able to keep up with recent posts via the side panel that shows recent posts.

The Article sections now contain words instead of pictures. Hopefully you will find them easier to read. I scanned the pictures to a word document, so there could be typos. If you find typos or think that one may have occurred, please leave a comment at the bottom of that article and I will correct it as soon as possible.

Which leads me to …. now you can leave comments if you wish. You do need to be logged in (just register) to leave a comment. All comments are moderated before being posted.

I left the old blog up to keep what was already written. Nothing else should be posted there, check the current blog for currents.


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