Kevin Ives and Don Henry

Interesting side note: In this video you will see the Prosecuting Attorney, Dan Harmon and the Deputy Attorney is Richard Garrett. Dan Harmon, I believe, was the second Prosecutor assigned to my mothers case. His name will be seen in upcoming articles that I will be posting. Richard Garrett is the current Deputy Prosecutor in my mothers case. Read more about Richard Garrett HERE.

I shared this video from youtube. The following synopsis is from the youtube page created by Josh Corbin. Note, if you feel I violated any rights by reposting any and all items, please let me know and I will remove the entire post.

Published on Mar 30, 2012 by 

On August 23, 1987, seventeen-year-old Kevin Ives and sixteen-year-old Don Henry, were murdered in a rural community just south of Little Rock. Their bodies were placed on railroad tracks and run over by a passing train. A cover-up began immediately and eventually extended to every level of government involving local, state. Two suspects implicated in the killings are law enforcement officers one is now a police chief and the other is an ex-police chief who was convicted of drug charges, and later the sentence was overturned.

Everyone who tried to help with this case has ended up dead or run out of town. For this reason it has led to a cold case file with little to no effort by local law enforcement agencies.

Please help Linda Ives seek justice for her son Kevin.




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