Bradley Ryan Hill joined the Arkansas Army National Guard and served his country proudly. Ryan served a tour in Iraq risking his life in combat for his country. Ryan returned home only to die as a result of what his family and others across Arkansas as well as the nation, believe to be FOUL PLAY on the evening of April 7, 2006.
Ryan went to a local club. He gave three young men a ride. After a physical altercation, Ryan was robbed and his car was stolen. He made several calls to friends seeking help. He stated in a voice mail he was bleeding severely and needed to go to the hospital. He was found the next morning propped against a tree with an electrical cord around his neck. He was also straddling a fence with one leg and the other touching the ground. The pants that he was found in were not his own.
Ryan’s death was ruled a suicide. HOWEVER, the physical evidence does not support this finding. Ryan’s family and friends want and need questions answered. Our hero deserves to be treated with honor and respect.
Today, May 5, 2012, I received a petition from Parents of Murdered Children. Please click on the following link to print the petition, have people sign the petition and send the signed petition to Governor Beebe. Thank you. Bradley Ryan Hill Petition
Justice for Bradley Ryan Hill Facebook page
Link to Bradley’s Memorial Website
2 Responses to Specialist Bradley Ryan Hill, ARNG